Empowering Schools and Families to Safeguard Kids Online


A tool to help schools increase student safety online


Help protect your family and foster positive online experiences

How CyberSafely.ai Works

safety and welfare

Protecting student safety and welfare


Scans any device, 24/7/365

Student privacy is high priority

alerts to staff

Alerts are sent on urgent posts to pre-determined parents & staff

Our AI-powered software detects threats and negative behavior on social media in real-time. With self-learning capabilities, it adapts to new threats, analyzing harmful content based on context, not just keywords. Protect students, ensure privacy, and stay ahead of online risks.

Student’s create posts on social media

CyberSafely.ai® provides real-time updates on students’ social media activities, helping schools and parents take proactive action.

AI-Powered Detection of Risky Behavior

Our AI scans for harmful posts, determining urgency and notifying the right people in real time.

Instant Alerts for Immediate Action

Parents and school advisors receive real-time alerts to intervene when needed, ensuring safety.

Empower Your Family: Join Our ‘Learn at Lunch’ Series on Social Media Safety

We invite you to attend our monthly Learn-at-Lunch! 

Our meeting objectives are very straightforward. We want to provide a platform for parents that helps to inform them about the issues in social media that are affecting today’s youth.

The one-hour meetings will be held at 12:30 EST on Zoom on the last Wednesday of every month.

Empowering Today’s Youth

Protect Kids from Digital Risks for a Safer Tomorrow

Social media can pose serious risks to young minds. Learn how CyberSafely.ai can help schools and parents address these challenges with real-time solutions.

Discover 5 Real-Life Success Stories

CyberSafely.ai® is a multifaceted approach to help schools and parents identify and respond to these threats.

Keeping Students Safe Without Compromising Privacy

CyberSafely.ai® helps students identify harmful activity and pivot away from negative behavior while maintaining their privacy.

Take the First Step Toward Student Safety

Learn how your school can actively support students in navigating digital challenges and prevent harmful behavior.