Understanding Teen Lingo

Teen lingo can be confusing for parents, but it's important to understand what your kids are saying online and in person.

Teen lingo is a constantly evolving language that is used by young people to express themselves and connect with each other. It can be confusing for adults to understand, but it’s important to make the effort to learn, especially if you’re a parent or work with teenagers.

Understanding teen lingo can help you to communicate better with teens. If you don’t understand what they’re saying, you may not be able to have meaningful conversations with them. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflict.

Sometimes, if you don’t know what the latest slang terms are, you may be left out of the loop. By understanding the lingo, you can often stay up-to-date on current trends. This is important for parents, educators, and anyone who works with young people.

Building trust with your teen can often begin by understanding their terminology and showing interest in their lives. When you show that you’re interested in their language and culture, it shows that you care about them and want to understand them. This can lead to a stronger relationship between you and your teen.

Here are some examples of teen lingo that might be helpful:

  • Abbreviations: “LOL” (laugh out loud), “OMG” (oh my God), “BRB” (be right back), “TMI” (too much information)
  • Acronyms: “AF” (as f*ck), “TBH” (to be honest), “IYKYK” (if you know, you know)
  • Made-up words: “Snatched” (looks good), “Yassify” (to apply beauty filters to a picture), “Yeet” (to throw something with force)
  • Slang terms: “Lit” (amazing, cool, or exciting), “Low-key” (not very much), “Salty” (bitter, angry, or agitated), “Sick” (cool or sweet)

Many of the abbreviations and acronyms that we use today were first used by texters and online gamers in the early 2000s. And, as new slang terms emerge, they often spread quickly through social media and other online platforms.

The most important thing is to be willing to learn. Teen lingo is a part of our culture, and it’s important to be able to communicate with young people in their own language. Parents magazine wrote an article on this topic title, “Parents Guide On Understanding Teen Lingo”, that may also be helpful.

Some adults may find teen lingo to be confusing or even offensive. However, it’s important to remember that teen lingo is simply a way for young people to express themselves. And, as long as we’re willing to learn about it, we can better understand the next generation.