CyberSafely.ai is a unique web-based scanning system designed to protect students from social media dangers which are dramatically increasing at an alarming rate. We have developed it as a support tool for all members of the “Village” it takes to raise a child, by helping you protect and lead your children and school students down their best path. Our resources are unlike any others.

What makes us different:

CyberSafely.ai is a unique web-based scanning system designed to protect students from social media dangers which are dramatically increasing at an alarming rate. We have developed it as a support tool for all members of the “Village” it takes to raise a child, by helping you protect and lead your children and school students down their best path. Our resources are unlike any others.


First and foremost, the intent is to help protect student safety and welfare by identifying and becoming more aware of harmful activity received. Secondly, by pivoting negative behavior before it is sent, students will benefit, and have an edge as they compete toward college and career.


It is a digital assistant designed to scan for social media threats and any other harmful activity 7 days a week 24 hours a day, no matter what device or network the student is on.

Student Privacy

We use AI models to scan social media accounts for dangerous or harmful activity only. The AI is the primary tool utilized to intervene and alert the school and parents on any concerning post. Neither the software or our people can view texts, emails or any private conversations. We do not monitor devices.


CyberSafely.ai sends an alert to the pre-determined parent(s) and school staff. In an urgent situation from a threat such as bullying, sexual content, suicide, or illegal use of weapons, having more than one person receive an alert may result in a faster response when time is of the essence.


Our software simulates human intelligence to search and detect threats and negative behavior on social media. AI is self-learning. As the language model adapts to threats in real-time, it becomes better at identifying harmful content out of context, not relying only on key words.